Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Quirks with Zelda V (Soon's lesson)

(Reissued from October 12 2004)


Alvin and I were having Soon's lesson that afternoon. Being the lame arses we are, we decided to play around with how we will tell people we would be having Soon's lesson:

'Hmm, we'll be having soon later, right?

''Yeah, Soon told me we'd better be there soon.'

'Soon, we'll be on our way to Soon's'

'Oh, Soon's coming soon, for Soon's'

And we had to have Soon's lessons with Zelda there already. She saw us as we came in, and she said:

Zelda: 'Ugh, I don't want you to sit near me... you (Alvin) might fart'

Crawldaddy: 'Umm, well, if it makes you fell better, we never want to sit next to you anyway.'

The lesson started, and as we started discussing stuff with Soon, Zelda started talking crap Yak yak yak yak blahblahblah, and in the end self destructed by shooting herself in the foot.

Although Alvin and I weren't that successful in the discussion ,we still had plenty of time to fool around with stuff:

Soon: 'Ok, tell me what the letter J stands for' he was doing an A to Z for being a successful designer.

Crawldaddy: 'Umm... Jet, jelly, jumbo enormous irritaing behemoth...'

Alvin: 'Hmm, Joseph.... gel, wait, it starts with G, umm..'

Crawldaddy: 'jingoistic, umm... janitor...'

You can imagine the rest especially when we were perfectly audible, and not making any sense. Then more fun came when we eventually went on to the letter 'V'. Alvin couldn't stop saying 'Volkswagen.. Volkswagen.. Volkswagen...'

The five minute break came, and Zelda came over to crap at us again. So just yabbering away, she finally stopped to take a breather, and I took the advantage to say:

Crawldaddy: 'Ok, have you finished yet? Cuz I'd like you to leave us alone now.'

Alvin: 'Ooooh, That Hurt'

That earned me a slap on the shoulder. Now, that Hurt.

Oh, and I finished Garry's behemoth report!!! Yess!!!!




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