The Legends of Zelda XXI: the best quotes from Crawldaddy
I've decided to temporarily update this blog for the sake of the good old days when I had so much fun shooting Zelda down. I've always been a gentleman, I tell you, always have been:
'What CAN you do Zelda??? Apart from irritating people I mean...'
'I think it's for the sake of the everyone's good you just shut up right now and spare the innocent people Zelda....'
'It's obvious, Zelda. I standing here, which means I haven't died yet right?
'Riiight... worth millions of what? Piles of shit?'
'Yeah, You wouldn't want to get hit on your face, which is worth *millions* right?'
'Umm, well, if it makes you fell better, we never want to sit next to you anyway.'
'Ok, have you finished yet? Cuz I'd like you to leave us alone now.'
'No comment'
'Oh, if you don't know, then you can just keep wondering. Yeah, keep wondering, and you can let us have some peace as we read this book, ok?'
'Ok, truth to tell, when I first saw it from back down the corridor, I said to myself "Who put that piece of rubbish on top of the display shelf?" you know?'
'I've been wanting to ask you, erm, Zelda, when are you going to remove that... that... that thing from the studio?'
'Zelda, just one thing, remove this piece of sh*t (the massive wallet) before someone else does... ok?'
Z: 'What's that?'
C: 'Food.'
Z: 'I know.. but what kind of food?'
C: 'Cake'
Z: 'Yah, I know it is cake.. but what kind of cake?'
C: 'Dunno'
Z: 'You are eating it but you donch KNOW what it is???'
C: 'Good food'
Once again, thanks to all the folks who have enjoyed the LOZ, and let us all pray very hard a miracle will be performed when one day we need not have to bother setting up a blog which documents the worst in such people (if we can even categorise such an individual as a 'person'). Ah, what the heck.. it was fun anyway.